Niek van
Nieuwenhuijzen & Gaby Wijzenbeek
How clashes
between different cultures, involved in the foundation of a bachelor
music therapy programme in the Middle East, accompany the process of
trying to establish a dialogue. A dialogue is indispensable in the
establishment of a bachelor music therapy programme. The importance of
existent structures in the development of a new profession and a new
training programme is emphasized. Possibilities, pitfalls and
limitations will be discussed.
Biographical details:
Niek van Nieuwenhuijzen has been trained as a musician (Conservatory
Amsterdam), in social pedagogy/ andragogy and as music therapist (registered
RMTh). He was head of the Music Therapy Department at ‘Rosenburg’
(Parnassia) Centre for Psychiatry, in The Hague and was past
vice-president of the NVKT. He was head of the music therapy training
course at the Conservatory in Enschede.
Gaby Wijzenbeek has been trained in the Netherlands as a musician (Conservatory
Hilversum), in social pedagogy/ andragogy, as supervisor and as music
therapist. She was head of the Department of Creative Therapy at
‘Bloemendaal’ (De Jutters) Centre for Psychiatry, worked with adults and
adolescents, in private practice and as a supervisor.
Since 2003 both music therapists participate in several
projects in Gaza, the Westbank and Jordan. They worked
together with music therapists in Europe, South Africa, the
USA and Israel.