Speech-Music Therapy for Aphasia (SMTA): A new dialogue for aphasia



Madeleen de Bruijn



SMTA is a combined treatment method of music therapy and speech therapy. It provides patients suffering from aphasia and verbal apraxia with more possibilities to speak.
In SMTA we try to develop normal speech via singing and rhythmic speaking of sounds, words and sentences in one uninterrupted succession. The intervals, the rhythm, the fluency of the melodies and the clear accented cadence of words and sentences reduce the patients’ threshold for speaking. This increases the possibilities to renew the dialogue with their environment.

Biographical details:
Madeleen de Bruijn works in a Rehabilitation Centre ‘Revalidatie Friesland’,

Beetsterzwaag in The Netherlands.

She developed music therapy in this area of healthcare for both children and adults. She gives lectures in music therapy programs, at congresses and has published books, papers and columns. Her most recent publications are on the new treatment method Speech- Music Therapy for Aphasia (SMTA).